About Hunt Holliday

For myself, the secret has been to discover what it means to wait in my Strategy & Authority. Waiting is the secret to being. To wait for life to come to me. To be asked if I have the energy to do or be involved in something. To wait out impulses to initiate things with others. To wait out the strong conditioned chemistry of my mind dumping chemistry into my body to try to control my path. Waiting becomes my being. Waiting for me is a deep, deep surrender that unwinds all the old habits and patterns to arrive at witnessing my life from the back seat. Letting go of thinking I need or even can control the outcome of my life, revealing a witnessing by waiting as it all unfolds without resistance. This process isn’t easy though it is simple in what to do. Often my mind gets a pretty good shattering because of what it thought waiting to respond would mean. Your strategy and authority are not here to keep you from experiencing deeply uncomfortable or scary things. It wont protect you from harm either. It just makes it so you can navigate these things clearly vs through distortion.

What I did in life and in relationships before experimenting with my Strategy & Authority was: listen to my mind, go after life, pushing to get, purposefully trying to manifest, and making my wants and desires happen regardless of the resistance I met. How I was entering into many of the decisions in my life was depleting my life force energy. I was experiencing degeneration.

I discovered countless traumatic mistakes and resistance experienced as physical pain, doubt, confusion, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment. Not all the time, but it happened enough that it led to questioning, “Why does it have to happen at all?”.

Strategy & Authority changed everything.

Discovering waiting through Strategy & Authority

I have come to see that waiting is not what I thought it was. It’s become home for me.

In waiting, I observe fears arise, old traumas are uncovered, the mind is shattered and conditioned beliefs fall away.

I see that life knows where I live and there is nothing to try, to create, or to manifest. It happens. Life comes in and asks me to participate. It doesn’t require that I have to make my life happen.

I also discovered how decisions happen, so that there is no resistance when moving through life with its endless amount of options. I witness over and over again that my body knows-- and my mind only thinks it knows.

Strategy & Authority has revealed a simple, profound experiment that shattered and continues to shatter the mind and relaxes into living from my body. Showing me a life that amazes me.

One can't know themselves until they wait.

- Hunt Holliday

Are you ready to let your body drive?